Does your design look professional and solid? Do not attempt to save the budget by hiring an amateur or doing it by yourself. If you do, you will most likely throw away your money on something basic, or unprofessional, or too classic, or simply – “something that doesn’t work”. No matter if your business is online or offline – your design must attract customers, draw attention, send information.
If you invest in Optimum Design – your budget will be used on creativity.
Our expertize
Logo design
Graphic design
Magazine design
Brochure design
Book design
Ad design
Interior design
Art graphics
Vector graphics
We are breaking the rules of graphic design
Visual identity
Before you hire Optimum Design to create your logo that represents your brand and business image – you have to ask yourselves following questions:
What is the purpose of our logo?
What is the role of our logo?
Does it have to be applicable to different modes of use?
Does it have to send a message or just subtly present the brand?
Professional design is clean and informative.
There is rarely “right” or “wrong” logo. It is essential to reflect your message and promote your business.
Check our online portfolio
Branding is sooo much more than picking colors for your logo or your chosen slogan. Brending is an impression that you leave on your clients/customers after each written or oral communication or any other type of interaction. Even if you state that your customers are most important to you, not even the best promotional material or design will convince people in the accuracy of your statement if your work doesn’t truly reflect it.
There are many methods of transferring your message to existing and potential customers, future business partners, employees and public in general.
Optimum branding is not just design or visual identity. It includes operating marketing, research and communication with customers/clients.
There are plenty ways of promoting and supporting your brand and business image:
Sales and promotional printed materials
Conceptual design of company image / logo design
Direct mail advertisement
Conference and exhibition materials etc.